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Survival of the Richest by Skye Warren


Review by Amy W. "There's nothing personal between us. You made sure of that. There's only money between us." It's a travesty I tell you. A travesty that I waited so long to read Skye Warren. But now that I have... sorry Skye, I may be a bit stalkerish. So have you read Ms. Warren before or are you like me and a virgin? Know what? It doesn't matter. You need to read Survival of the Richest ASAP!!! One of these men sees me as competent. The other as a helpless girl. One sees me as powerful. The other as weak. I normally like to give a little backstory to the book whenever I write a review. But sometimes even that gives away too much. The blurb that is posted is sufficient enough that I don't feel I need to do that anyway. But I will give you my thoughts on Christopher, Sutton and Harper. I'm not sure who I am if I'm not the girl hopelessly in love with Christopher Bardot. Christopher is a controlling man. He is loyal to a fault. And frustrated me soooo freaking much while reading. GRRR!!! I don't know what else to say that won't give anything away. I both hate and love Christopher, especially toward the end. I think out of any man in the world, Sutton Mayfair is the only one who could make me forget about Christopher Bardot. Sutton, holy efff Sutton!! That man ignited some pretty hot fantasies in my mind with his goodnight kiss. I am totally #TeamSutton if we are picking teams, even though he is every bit the jerk Christopher is, just subtler with it. You don't know it until after the fact and it's too late. Good God, *fans self* he is freaking hot though. I can't decide what I want, can't decide who I want, and it hurts both ways. Harper is in some ways the spoiled rich girl that others see her as, but in others she is an amazing young woman with a huge heart. I loved how she made big statements, or you might say Graffiti, to show her feelings on subjects. Medusa and Cleopatra now represent women in a way I never thought of before. I probably highlighted half the book while reading, so here is one more quote because I like fairytales and I will never look at this one the same again :) I'm the princess and the pea, my heated skin sensing even the slightest bump beneath layers of cloth. Who knew she was just turned on? I think it is safe to say that I LOVED this book. I know how I want things to end, but I'm pretty sure I also know how it's actually going to end... they are not one and the same, shame really. Fair warning that it ends on a cliffy, which I knew going in but it still felt like there was a HEA coming until that last chapter, then BAM! I sat there just staring at the last page for a moment, then cursed Skye because the end of summer, really??? I need my Sutton fix now!!!

**ARC provided by author for honest review**

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