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Before We Were Strangers by Brenda Novak


Review by Amy I devoured Brenda Novak’s Before We Were Strangers. This standalone story had it all from mystery and intrigue to romance and steaminess. Sloane decides to return to her small hometown, after many years away, to face her childhood demons. Her mom went missing when she was a young girl and for years the memory has haunted her. She suspects there is more to her mom’s disappearance and she is determined to get to the bottom of it. Upon returning home, though, many other issues crop up. What she had run away from as a teenager was still waiting for her. Tension with her brother and father, a strained relationship with her best friend, and a bitter ex-boyfriend, are only a few obstacles that were waiting for her. Finding the truth just became a lot more difficult and dangerous for Sloane. I thoroughly enjoyed this one from start to finish. It had an enjoyable steady pace and covered the range of emotions thoroughly. If you want unforeseen twists, this had them. If you like some soap opera family drama, this is your book. Is a little mystery your thing? Pick this one up. How about some wining, dining, and a smoking love scene? Yep, that was in here too. This book has something for everyone. I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed a weekend read like this one in a while. My chores were a bit neglected, but this book was totally worth it. Grab this one up today, your laundry can wait until tomorrow. **ARC provide by author for honest review**

Release Date: December 4, 2018

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