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Faster by Deana Birch


Review by Elizabeth Do you love rock star romances? Standalones? Emotions? If yes, I suggest reading Faster by Deana Birch. I am going to be honest here, it took a bit longer than usual for me to really get into Faster. I do not know why, could be because I just could not connect with it right away. At first I could not stand Jake. All he wanted was to get into Louana"s pants. Granted she wanted in his as well which is why they started a fling. However, their fling turned into more. The chemistry between them is as hot as the sex. You will scream at your e-reader a few times because lets face it, they deserve it. Like all relationships there are ups and downs. They are not perfect and never will be. They work for what they have and when things pop up they must decide to keep moving forward or say goodbye. I want to say more but I do not want to give any spoilers. All I can say is if you want a good read, read Faster. **ARC provided by author for honest review**

Release Date: June 26, 2018

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