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Fixing Her by Miranda Elaine


Review by Allyson Miranda Elaine's debut novel Fixing Her is filled with emotion and nostalgia. A second chance story in a way, Temperance and Asher wait a long time to finally let their feelings be known. Temperance was the shy, quiet girl in high school. One of many girls with a secret crush on Asher. A crush that doesn't go anywhere but years later is still there. Asher has always wanted Temperance, but he had goals. Mainly to leave his hometown and live in the great big world outside Red Oak. Now that he is back, the town feels more like home than ever. And Temperance is a big part of that. He's finally going after the girl he's always wanted. I’m a man on a mission and that mission is to win over Temperance Price. I’m in this for the long haul. No matter how long it takes. This was a slow burn second chance love story. Asher and Temperance's love was a long time coming, and when it finally happened it was perfect. Temperance's daughter Ellie was adorable and Asher was great with her. There were a few unexpected surprises in this story, but overall it was great tale about love and friendship. I really hope that Temperance's BFF Leigh gets her own book in the future. **ARC provided by author for honest review**

Release Date: June 28, 2018

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