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Infinity by Jus Accardo


Review by Sasha Have you ever wondered if there were worlds out there that were different than the one you lived in? And what would you do if there was a different version of yourself out there? The first book of The Infinity Division series Infinity takes you on a crazy, romantic intergalactic ride. The adventure begins when Kori Anderson goes out for a nighttime adventure. With the recent passing of her mother, Kori finds that she and her dad haven’t been on the same page. He’s been keeping secrets, and the final straw is when he disappears and leaves her with two strangers that are supposedly soldiers she should be comfortable with since her dad’s a general. Cade and Noah bring in a whole new slew of trouble. Along with them, they bring another figure into Kori’s life, Dylan. He’s a rogue delinquent from another earth, Cade and Noah’s earth to be exact, and he’s hopping worlds looking for different versions of Kori. His only mission is to find her and kill her. With the entrance of Dylan, Kori’s whole life is thrown upside down. Soon she discovers secrets that she always wanted and then some that she never thought would exist, like how her mom is alive on other earths and that these Noah and Cade people play integral parts in their lives. As Dylan threatens Kori’s life, the trio must work together to not only catch him to prevent him from hurting more people, but find him and get him to save Kori. While they jump earths and hunt for criminals, feelings begin to grow and people get attached to each other. The fear of losing another version of Kori becomes a possibility that no one wants to face. Accardo did a great job at creating relatable characters that come to life on the page and seem as if they would be people the reader could be friends with. They invite you along to experience the inner monologue, creating a better connection between the reader and characters. I give this a 5 out of 5 stars. Highly recommend that you don’t miss this start to a promising series. It will make you fall in love with the power of true love and have you imagining what other versions of yourself might be like. **Copy provided for honest review**

Release Date: November 1, 2016

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