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Knuckle Down by Chantal Fernando


Review by Terren Chantal Fernando's Knuckle Down, the second in the Cursed Ravens MC, did not disappoint. In this book we meet Celina and Knuckle, both who made appearances in the first book. Celina is Erin’s cousin and Knuckles is Erin’s best friend from the club. Opposites attract just like in the first novel. Celina who is more brash than Erin, accepts all of Knuckles, his girls and his lifestyle. Loyal to the core, Celina and Knuckles learn about old flames, babies being kidnapped and finding that one true love. Chantal Fernando writes books you want to read, with remarkable stories that don’t take up a lot of your time. I highly recommend the Cursed Ravens series, you'll devour it in one sitting. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: July 9, 2018

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