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The Breakup by Erin McCarthy


Review by Lisa Book two in The Jordan Brothers series, The Breakup by Erin McCarthy is a whirlwind of emotions and the closing of one door to the opening another and taking chances. First let me state this is a standalone, but it will be much more enjoyable if you read book one, The Hookup. The Hookup is about Sofia (Bella's sister) and Cain (Christian's brother) and where we are introduced to Bella and Christian and the very start of their story. I know a lot of people always compare book one to book two, but I enjoyed reading this story just as much. The story line is different with a lot more drama. It is more like a soap opera with this and that going on!! I loved it!!!! Bella has alway been the "perfect" one. The one that will do anything to please anyone, including her fiance. But when she discovers a deal breaker, that her finance is cheating on her days before the nuptials, what does she do? Plans revenge sex with the local bartender. Christian has other ideas for the gorgeous Bella. He won't turn Bella down, but with his brother Cain messing around with her sister and Christain's number 1 being his first priority how can they be? The push and pull is so strong at times that it just jumps off the page. Then you want to slap Bella and Christian up the side of the head and be like "really"? At first I did not like Christian and there is one part of the story I did not like and actually see no need for it as it is mentioned once and then let go. But as the story develops and the story unfolds you see different side of him. To me that shows a story is well written. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: August 28, 2018

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