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Defending Allye by Susan Stoker


Review by Nancy Enticing and captivating, Defending Allye is the first book in the Mountain Mercenaries series by Susan Stoker. This book pulled me in from the beginning and kept me wanting more. Mountain Mercenary, Gary, and Allye meet by chance, Gary was not expecting to find a kidnapped victim on his latest rescue op. After spending some time with Allye, while waiting to be rescued, he realized she wasn’t like most women he had met. She kept her composure, she didn’t completely lose her mind after being kidnapped. Something about her called to him, but she was just a job, another victim he had rescued, after making sure she was safe he had to walk away. The only problem with walking away was that she was constantly on his mind, and it seemed she was now right in the middle of the human trafficking circle the mercenaries were trying to bring down. Allye always thought karma hated her, no matter how much good she did, she always ended up with the short end of the stick. This time was no exception, she had caught the eye of a very bad man. Worried she’d be kidnapped once again Allye reached out to the Mercenaries for help. One thing led to another and she found herself in the arms of Gary. Falling in love wasn’t part of the plan, neither was being kidnaped a second time but once again Allye found herself in need of a rescuer, and Gary was not about to let anything happen to the woman he was in love with. He was going to take down whoever stood in his way, no matter what it took in order to get his girl back safe and sound. Defending Allye was phenomenal, a suspense filled love story. One that opened the gates to what is to be an amazing series. I can’t wait to see what else Ms. Stoker has in store for us. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: August 7, 2018

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