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Nixon by Ker Dukey


Review by Allyson Be enraptured with the Pearson family once again. Ker Dukey brings you back into the fold with Nixon with enough mind numbing grayness that will boggle your mind! "We all have psychopathic tendencies. They're in all of us to some capacity." Can one move forward through heartbreak, tragic events, yet only to find new love, peace in a friendship when you least expect it?! What if those feelings were there all along from the start. Entering the darker mind of Nixon Pearson and his inner struggles of what he truly thought when the drama and chaos erupted of his father and when the journey continues between him and "what's his". Ker starts the Four Sons series off right where she ended it with Wheeler! She has kicked this series off to a flawless start and has paved the way for the rest of the following epic authors to follow effortlessly with the rest of the brothers. I can't wait to read about Hayden, Brock and Camden!!! Bring on the Pearsons!! **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: July 20, 2018

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