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Hayden by J.D. Hollyfield


Review by Allyson Who can tame the "Big, Bad Wild Pearson son, huh?" In the Four Fathers there were shockers and gasps, now we have trickled down into the Sons and interweaving ourselves through their personalities of the bloodline of Eric Pearson. Be ready to buckle down in JD Hollyfield's with the oldest Pearson boy, Hayden. He's cocky, rude and beyond arrogant. You might find yourself wanting to smack him! "I make the final decisions and call all the shots." Hayden is left in a pickle when his father, Eric dies and he's transformed into the devil reincarnate with his don't-give-a-crap attitude! It's like Eric 2.0 but worse. He lost the one female who could handle him, all because life's tribulations that aren't his own. Will Katie ever come back around and forgive his misdeeds? Around 10-12% I was questioning Hollyfield's stance of writing with her personal view of Hayden and the Pearson and extended family. Reason being: I didn't see him in that light during Four Fathers, nor in Nixon. There are moments that had me angry, gasping and scowling. But I think this series is meant to make us react in that way. There is however, a surprising twist of events that become emotional that were well received in compared to how the book began. Even though the book had me at 'WTF' expressions at the beginning, in the end I was smiling with the last POV. I am intrigued on how the rest of the books will continue as I was surprised on Hayden's view points on his brothers and his fathers friends. Next up; Brock by Dani Rene! **ARC provided for an honest review**

Release Date: July 27, 2018

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