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Guess Who by Chris McGeorge


Review by Amy Guess Who is a uniquely written suspenseful mystery. Chris McGeorge has done a great job of taking what seems like a simple, basic plot and turned it into something much more intricate and entertaining. When Morgan Sheppard solves a murder case at the age of 11, he finds a career path laid out for him. As a TV detective, he solves mysteries for the world to see. That all comes to an abrupt halt when he wakes up in a hotel room with five strangers and he is faced with the challenge of solving a murder and escaping. Everyone is relying on him, and he finds himself struggling with his past as he works to find a way to help himself and the other strangers so they can continue to build a future. This story had such a straight-forward story line at a glance. Escape from a room. What was so pleasantly surprising about it, was there was another entire story line hiding within the simple concept. With flashbacks throughout, you find out more about who Morgan was when he was younger and more about the murder he solved as a child. Everything melded together so seamlessly. While I was able to anticipate a few of the twists, it was still a very well plotted concept that came together beautifully. It was twisty, suspenseful, and thoroughly entertaining. If you enjoy the old fashioned whodunits, give this one a shot. I found it to be an unparalleled and satisfying read. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: September 18, 2018

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