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Blood Match by K.A. Linde


Review by Amy W. K.A. Linde has killed me, I am dead. Blood Match is beyond what I expected. This is the continuing story of Reyna from Blood Type so be sure to read in order. We pick things up almost exactly where they left off. Reyna surviving and nothing is what it seems. That's all I got plot wise. Do not go searching for answers/spoilers, this is best read blind. As a paranormal lover I feel I can say this with the utmost confidence: This series is EVERYTHING. This is how PNR is supposed to be. This is what has been missing from a majority of authors in the genre. This intensity, this unique and captivating world that makes you want to live in it and experience all that it has to offer. I love this world that Linde has built and I love Becks and Reyna. I love the twists and turns, the surprises that happen along the way. But I'm not sure how I feel about that ending. If you thought Blood Type ended on a hell of a cliffhanger, get ready for a legendary WTF with this one. **ARC provided for an honest review**

Release Date: June 26, 2018

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