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Slumbersexual by Everley Strong


Review by Megan Slumbersexual is author Everley Strong's debut novella and it full of laughs and sexual innuendos. Sara has to find a new apartment, since living with her ex boyfriend and the girl that he cheated on Sara with is not going to work out, especially when they announce they are having a baby. She finds an ad on Craigslist for an apartment in a trendy neighborhood to be shared with four men and a woman. Rory is in a band and he has a sexy man bun, enough said right. Sara is at a loss for words when she first meets Rory. She doesn't realize that he's the man who she called to see apartment until after she has utterly embarrassed herself. She is mesmerized by his sexiness. I loved this book and the chemistry that Sara and Rory had. I was mortified for Sara I felt so bad for her for the situation with her ex, but it led her to Rory so alls good. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a light, funny, odd, romantic book. **ARC provided for an honest review **

Release Date: July 1, 2018

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