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Young Enough by Charmaine Pauls


Review by Leah Young Enough, The Age Between Us book two, by Charmaine Pauls brings the D to RAMA! WOOO…. so much happening in this book. How do you keep your composure when life deals you a bad hand? Jane kept her composure the ENTIRE TIME when I would have been climbing the walls freaking out, pissed off, ready to take anyone and everyone out. Dealing with a failed marriage due to her husband's infidelity (I have fallen in love and it’s not you….), dealing with an angry teenage daughter due to failed marriage (that in itself is a handful), the now ex-husband and his brand new fiancée are expecting; oh and guess what…… he wants the house back for his “new family”. Just when Jane begins to start living again, trying to be normal, a fortune teller tells her that she is in another bad relationship. Welp, you know how the saying goes “when it rains it pours” and it pours on poor Jane, literally in this book. I had to stop myself several times from yelling at my poor tablet, wanting to go off on a certain character. Even to the point where I just wanted to jump into my tablet real quick and just handle business for Jane. I understand keeping the peace but there are times when you have got to put your foot down. But she made it out gracefully, A LOT more gracefully than I would have, HA! The Princess gets her Prince, which she TOTALLY DESERVES <3 I have read all types of romance from paranormal, bdsm, dark, age difference, dom/sub you name it but I have never read an “age difference” where the male is younger than the female. For me, Brian should have been a tad older. He just felt older, maybe 30’s. Or maybe it’s me because I have a 19-year-old son and could not wrap my head around it so I just pictured him in his mid-30’s. But Lord help the woman my son dates if my 19 yr old knows how to do all that: delete, delete, delete that out of my brain. But lots, lots and lots of hot sex scenes! Good gravy Brian is very resourceful. Excuse me, I need to go cool off now. **ARC provided for an honest review**

Release Date: August 28, 2018

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