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Back to Black by Katerina Winters


Review by Nancy Back to Black by Katerina Winters was not at all what I had expected. This book has an extremely slow start and it is written in a way that is hard to follow, but nonetheless as the book continued so did my curiosity. Everly has had a rough go at life, naive, pregnant, and on her own all she wants is a fresh start. Being stalked and kidnapped was not the fresh start she was looking for. Zane and Reid are heroes you love to hate, both borderline sociopaths. Extremely obsessive and controlling they set their eyes on Everly and don’t stop until they have her. This is where the book threw me off the most, the description states it is sweet and slightly non consensual, what we actually get is rape and there was nothing sweet about it. Stockholm Syndrome is not necessarily a happily ever after. After being kidnapped and finding no way of escaping, Everly takes what she can get and settles into her new life. I’m all for a good ménage, but this was just not my cup of tea. I will say the author had a good idea as to where she wanted to take the story, the execution was just not for me. Now, just because I didn’t enjoy this particular book doesn’t mean someone else won’t. I have learned that the same book can be read by many, and all will have a different opinion. If given the chance I would definitely read a different book by this author, who knows I might love it. **ARC provided for an honest review**

Release Date: September 8, 2018

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