Redemption by Georgia Cates

Reviewed by Allyson Intense with an emotional pull between two characters that we have loved from afar. Finally, Georgia Cates has finished her SIN series and it's a bittersweet moment. Beyond thrilled to finally have Lorna and Leith's story and finally find out what happens to their lust/ uneasiness of their relationship. "A man can think that he loves a woman, but he doesn't truly know the depth of that love until he believes that he's lost her forever." A battle of wills between Leith and Lorna are at an all time high right off the bat in Redemption. Leith finally has his wake up call after 4 years away from his friend, barmaid and lover, Lorna. But in lyes their past was hurtful and painful words/actions that can't be undone. Will both be able to move forward, communicate their love for one another or will the past be too much and they stay as friends? My excitement can't be contained as I devoured this book in one sitting. As a fan of Ms. Cates previous work with the Brotherhood and the Order; I was again drawn in by her writing, story lines and descriptive characters while life passes you by. A second chance at love, lust and making a family within the Brotherhood. I am sad to see this series come to an end, but The Brotherhood will always live on in my mind. **ARC provided for an honest review**
Release Date: September 18, 2018
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