Uncontrollable by Nina Croft

Review by Morgen Uncontrollable is book three in the Beyond Human series by Nina Croft. This is a paranormal read full of mystery seamlessly entwined with a love story. It’s about finding the truth and doing what’s right no matter how hard that may be. Melody Lyons is an agent of the Federal Bureau of Time Management in the year 4012. The timeline is fragile, any anomaly could be catastrophic. Her father is the Captain of Operations, but she has worked hard to succeed on her own merit. She is clever, strong, independent, and has amazing self control. Quinn Sutherland is part of a covert group of telepaths that work for the British government, called the tribe. They were raised believing that they were helping the good guys bring about a world with no lies. However, he eventually learns that he put his trust in people who used him to gain more power. Now they’re on a mission to make things right. By the 41st century love is all but forgotten, and relationships are based on genetic compatibility instead of an emotional connection. Survival took precedence over feelings, and relationships became more akin to a business arrangement. He only ever spent one night with a woman. He didn’t believe he could ever find love because of his work. Mel goes on an assignment back to 2018 to find possible sources of an anomaly. While searching for any potential links she crosses paths with Quinn and his group. As soon as they gaze upon each other a connection is made. Each have a mission of great importance to accomplish, neither want a distraction. The more time they spend together the more they realize that their objectives might be connected, and the harder it becomes to deny themselves release. The action never stops, they’re being followed and attacked by unknown assailants. In a world where the government has telepaths secretly do their dirty work and time police blend casually into their surroundings, who can you trust? The story is told in third person giving a well rounded view of each scene. It allows the reader to see things that would otherwise be missed if they were only in one characters POV at time. It was a great decision and something I really enjoyed. The mystery had me at the edge of my seat. The twists were unexpected. The paranormal aspect was realistically done and added a little extra fun to the story. The angst was strong and everything I wanted. What truly drew me in was that even though they weren’t used to the intimacy, they both dove in head first, it warmed my heart. The passion coursing through her body ignited flames at his touch. They gave in to desire and sparks flew. Each touch was new and exciting something neither had felt before. My favorite part was that the author smoothly embedded background information throughout the story line, so that if this was where you started the series you didn’t feel lost and if you had read it was a refresher. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good mix of paranormal, mystery, and romance! **ARC provided for an honest review**
Release Date: September 24, 2018
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