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Rend (Riven #2) by Roan Parrish

Review by Elizabeth Rend is an amazing story written by Roan Parrish. Please have your tissues ready because you will need them. Matt, sweet dear Matt, my heart broke so much for him. He grew up in the foster system always waiting for his mom to show but she never did. When he meets Rhys he has the chance at a happy ever after but he cannot see beyond his past. When Rhys leaves to go on tour, Matt starts having serious doubts about their marriage and if he really deserves to be happy. Oh my geez. Matt will leave you in tears so many times! His story is real, raw, emotional and gut-wrenching. Matt has never depended on someone before and he is really dependant on Rhys. So much so that it is unhealthy. Matt thinks he does not deserve happiness which is ridiculous. I loved that Rhys did not give up on Matt. Rhys loves Matt so much that he did what he could to help him move past his issues. What really made this book for me though is the fact that they did not break up, get all sappy and get back together. They really worked past everything so they could have the happy ever after they both deserve. Roan really outdid herself with Rend. Matt and Rhys are such a lovely couple that I was sad to see it end. ARC provided for an honest review

Release Date: November 27th 2018

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