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Looker by Laura Sims


Review by Heather Looker is the debut novel by author Laura Sims. This novel is being marketed as a psychological thriller. I don’t feel like that is quite accurate. It is definitely psychological, but I never felt like it was a “thriller”. I was nearly halfway through before I realized that nothing “thrilling” was going to happen. However, it becomes apparent the narrator (not named) is going through some kind of mental breakdown, which makes the book more like a character study. From that perspective, it is much more interesting to read. The narrator has separated from her husband after years of unsuccessful attempts to have a baby. She now lives alone, in the affluent New York City neighborhood that she shared with her husband, but only because he prepaid the rent before leaving her. He leaves his cat, Cat, with her, but she doesn’t seem to care about the pet until her husband indicates he wants the cat with him. Then, she lavishes affection on her. She becomes obsessed with a young actress who has moved into the neighborhood with her husband and children. She seems to hate and resent anyone and everyone she encounters. People that she calls friends seem to attract much of her disdain. Makes the reader wonder if she were to have her heart’s desire, a baby, would she even be capable of loving it. If I could suckle a child myself, would I feel the same? Maternally virtuous, like I was growing a future citizen of the nation, but simultaneously disgusted and trapped, clamoring to be free from the leech at my breast? Looker was interesting, but difficult to get into. Ultimately, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys psychological character studies, but wouldn’t characterize it as a thriller. **ARC provided for an honest review**

Release Date: January 8, 2019

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