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Praying for Rain (Praying for Rain Trilogy, #1) by B.B. Easton


Review by Nancy An epic, unique, fascinating story, Praying For Rain is absolutely consuming. B.B. Easton had me enthralled from the first few pages. It is the first book in the Praying For Raintrilogy and it left me anxious to see what B.B. Easton has in store for us next. This book is not my usual go-to romance novel, but it is phenomenal! This book has it all. It is suspenseful, humorous, witty, sad, scary, you name it, this book has it. Rain and Wes have to face the fact the world is coming to an end. Their world is literally falling apart before the actual date the world is supposed to end. A lot of people can’t handle that kind of knowledge, but Rain and Wes are determined to see it through. Their relationship isn’t conventional. Wes is trying to stay alive and sees an opportunity in Rain. She is his next meal ticket, and that was all she was supposed to be. He was determined to stay focused on his goal, to stay alive. Rain has other ideas, she just wants company until the day the world ends. She has accepted the fact that the world is already coming to an end and she will die. She had nothing to live for, until Wes. Working together to stay alive only brings Wes and Rain closer together. They don’t just depend on each other, together, they are going to make it out alive. Both have already experienced great loss and this means they connect on a different level. They fall in love fast and become each other’s reason to live even faster. This book had me at the edge of my seat! I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I just wanted to get to the end. I wanted to see it through. I was rooting for Wes and Rain from the very beginning and kept second-guessing what would happen. I almost expected the twists and turns but my goodness, B.B. Easton had me gasping for air. An absolute must read! Side Note: Covers are always a big deal for me, I feel like there are times when a cover makes it or breaks it for me. This cover is absolutely perfect for Praying For Rain! It is everything I imagined Rain and Wes to be. I will be on pins and needles until book two! ***ARC provided by the author for an honest review***

Release Date: April 11th 2019

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