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Alpha's Promise (Dark Protectors #10) by Rebecca Zanetti


Review by Leah Alpha’s Promise by Rebecca Zanetti, starring Ivar the Viking and Promise, brings out my inner math and science geek. I wanted to sit by her and watch her work. The connection between these two is more than just sexual angst or suspense. It adds intellectual angst. You can see the wheels turning when they put their heads together. I also feel like Ivar is a closet nerd, haha! At some points in the book, it seemed like Ivar was waiting for Promise to figure out the problem on her own even though he already knew the answer. Then there is Promise’s excitement when it comes to solving the next problem. I was getting just as excited for her. The support Ivar gives when Promise goes into one of her zones while working on the next equation is heartwarming. You would think this would be a rough and tumble, me Tarzan you Jane, throughout the book because let's face it, Ivar is a Viking turned Vampire. Come on, if that does not spell out Alpha, I do not know what would. There are also some freaking sexy Alpha moments but it also shows a side of Ivar that he does not share with many. That is what really hooked me. I love the depth of the characters Rebecca builds in her stories. There are so many layers and dimensions. If you read the book you will understand. The Dark Protector series by Rebecca Zanetti is one of my favorite and I really enjoyed the little twist in this one with the heroine. Not saying all the other heroines are bad just that Promise is the introverted nerd in high school everyone passed by. Which I can relate a little too, HA! Promise allowed Alpha’s Promise to be its own story but still a continuation of the series. ***ARC received in exchange for an honest review.***

Release Date: June 25th 2019

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