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The Celtic Cowboy (Bear Creek Rodeo) by Jessica Marin


Review by Elizabeth Wowzers!! It has been a while since I have actually sat down and devoured a book without putting it down! The Celtic Cowboy by Jessica Marin is addicting from beginning to end. Ryan is your definition of a man whore, or that is the impression I received, according to his brother Rhett. However, Rhett demands that Ryan's whorish come to an end while they are touring America with the rodeo. When Ryan meets Adeline, he will have to do something he has never done before, work for the girl. Adeline is drowning in Bear Creek working for her father at his car dealership. She wants to do what she loves, Graphic Design, and leave Bear Creek. When she meets Ryan, she starts to wonder what could be. Adeline and Ryan have chemistry right from the start. They also can butt heads like no other but still leave you wondering when they will just hook up already. I loved that Adeline was not some girl that could be walked all over, that she spoke her mind and was not afraid of what the other person thought. Ryan was just as expected, cocky, but he also had a heart of gold. The Celtic Cowboy is a fast-moving book that does not leave room for unwanted drama. It is a great read from beginning to end with the right amount of feels and all that jazz. I highly recommend you read this book today. ***ARC received in exchange for an honest review.***

Release Date: June 26th 2019

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