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Catching Her Heart by Jody Holford


Review by Elizabeth Jody Holford caught my attention with just the first few lines of her blurb for her newest release, Catching her Heart. I have to say that there is nothing about this book that I did not like. Which is very usual, at least for me. When we first meet Addison and Sawyer, Addison is picking him up from the airport with the intent on kidnapping him. Why? For a charity auction, of course! Just by this one action, they are in for this epic romance neither of them are looking for. The chemistry between Addison and Sawyer is present straight from the start and does not let up throughout the book. With that being said, do not expect sexy scenes because you will not get them. Catching her Heart is all about romance and two people finding love when they are least expecting it. I LOVED that there was not any unnecessary drama between the characters, everything that is in this book is completely necessary. The secondary characters are amazing, except for his brother and mom. Overall, Catching her Heart was excellent! One click-worthy for sure. *ARC provided for an honest review*

Release Date: September 9th 2019

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