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Fahrenheit (An MMF Book) by Leigh Lennon


Review by Alysia Fahrenheit by Leigh Lennon is very hot! It’s the second book in the Power of three Love series. It is not a standalone. This book is steamy with a side of action and suspense. Scarlet is dating both Levi, the hot fireman, and Jordan, the sexy doctor. She wont be able to choose between the two men, so when the option is brought up, she starts to date both men together. The goal and focus of the relationship is her. The plan works well for the most part until Levi begins to have feelings for both Scarlet and Jordan. Jordan with his scientific brain, on the other hand, thinks that you either enjoy women or men, not both. Scarlet had a tough childhood. In foster care at a young age, she now has issues with being abandoned. So, when Jordan starts to pull away because of his own self doubt, she is scared that she is being abandoned all over again. Levi doesn't care the gender of his partners. He only cares about love. When they begin the triad, Levi is already in love with Scarlet. It doesn't take long before he starts to have feelings for Jordan as well. He tries to show these feelings, but that begins to push Jordan farther than he is comfortable with and the plan backfires. Jordan has always loved women. He is very scientific in his beliefs. He doesn't understand how someone can love both genders. As much as he loves Scarlet, he battles himself with Levi and the affection Jordan openly tries to give him. Fahrenheit was similar to Foundations but the characters had their own sets of issues. I am loving this series and I can't wait until the next one. ***ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

Release Date: January 4th 2019

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