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Eleven (Eternals, #1) by J. Marie


Review by Leah Ok, you could write the dang dictionary and it would be phenomenal! By the first couple of chapters, my first thoughts were "why is this not on tv?" Eleven (Eternals #1) by J. Marie is just freaking awesome. I am trying to find a better word to describe it but that is the only thing that can describe it. All I can say is READ IT! One-Click this puppy NOW! I am a HUGE fan of J. Marie and when I heard she was dipping her toes into the paranormal world I thought "Heck Yeah!". I have read every one of her books multiple times over and over so I knew she would just kill this genre. So when I started to read Eleven I did what every reader does, I expected the normal paranormal romance, WRONG. J. Marie knocked it out of the park. There is suspense, angst, pain, anger, a mystery to it all wrapped up in a pretty little bow. I am so excited about this series. It has so much depth so many twists and turns that can happen and do happen. It will leave you begging for more. I love how Jordan builds each one of her characters in this book. The doubt, the fear, the strength in each one that builds throughout the book. If you have never read a “paranormal” genre before please pick this one up and dive right in. I swear this needs to be a sitcom. Oh by the way... I am really curious about Ettie and where you are taking her character. ** ARC provided for an honest review **.

Release Date: October 24th 2019

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