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In Peace Lies Havoc (Midnight Mayhem #1) by Amo Jones


Review by Leah How? Just how? Amo Jones takes you on a trip in every single one of her books and each and every single time it is a different trip. In Peace Lies Havoc by Amo Jones, she has invited us to Midnight Mayhem. AND BRAVO! The darkness in this book is thick as dark molasses. It is just crawling off the pages as you read. I remember while reading this I thought “Where is my phone? I need to google Dove’s name to see if I can find anything on her because something just seems off but I cannot put my finger on it.” before shaking my head because Lord help me, I just thought that about a fictional character. I was so engrossed in this book, I thought nothing of picking up my phone and searching up a fictional character’s history on google. If you have read Amo before you know her characters and their layers and their depth is beyond belief. And because there are so many dark and twisted ways in the world of Midnight Mayhem I don’t wanna just go into the characters in this review. Just One-Click now. The book will speak for itself. This book will suck you into the shadows and not let you out. Will you know how it ends in the middle of the book? Nope! Will this book leave you breathless? Yup! Will you read chapters where you are holding your breath the whole chapter? Yup! Oh, make sure and find the Spotify song list for this book. I started listening to it right after reading the book and it took me right back into the shadows. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: November 15th 2019

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