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Twisted Kingdom (Royal Elite, #3) by Rina Kent


Review by Leah Oh, Ms. Rina Kent, the Queen of Twists has done it yet again in Twisted Kingdom. Quite fitting of a name, I would say so myself. You know when you are reading and then you keep tapping your kindle only to realize there are no pages left. And you are at a loss as what to do with your life now? You need to know more. You HAVE to know more. There is no sleeping without knowing more. Well, that is how Steel Princess left me. I was patient and waited kindof, I don’t think I hollered to much. But the wait was completely worth it. “My monster is Aiden King.” That is the only line I highlighted in this entire book. It is the beginning and end. It is Aiden King and Elsa Steel’s relationship, in 5 words. A monster is not always a bad thing. Sometimes you want the monster in your corner. Twisted Kingdom is the conclusion of Aiden King and Elsa and what a story these two have. That darn twist at the end of Steel Princess picks right back up in the Twisted Kingdom. And it is no longer just Aiden, Elsa, the four horsemen, Jonathan or Silver messing with us. There is a whole other side to this twist. You sneaky devil you... Rina Kent never fails to amaze me with her books. I have been a fan from day 1. My reviews will always end with go get one of her books today. Curl up with a blanket, a good cup of hot tea and dive in. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: January 23rd 2020

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