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A New Season by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle


Review by Alysia A New Season by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle was an easy read about Emma, who is running home from her problems with her previous employer. While on the flight home she runs into her high school crush, and favorite pro football player, Jaken. While Emma enjoys her time with Jaken she is scared of being hurt and played. She knows that groupies come with the gig of being a pro football player, She doesn't know if love is enough to keep Jaken happy. A New Season is a romantic conflict, Emma has self-confidence and family issues, while Jaken has baby mama drama. Neither of them wants the other to know about their issues. Jaken does everything in his power to make sure Emma feels loved, but Emma is always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sydney Aaliyah Michelle did a great job of showing conflict and keep you guessing on whether they would have their happy ending. I loved every second of it. ***ARC provided for an honest review***

Release Date: September 8th 2015

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