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The Rebel by Kelsey Clayton


Review by Leah Well, I found another author to binge on and I love it! I get into book funks and I dig and dig for new authors and nothing grabs me. And then (insert singing birds in the background) Kelsey Clayton. I am so excited. Thank you, Lord! If you have not read The Haven Grace Series before and you enjoy the darker version of the high school type genre and mix in a little “hot for Teach”. Yes, the student and the teacher are of age. Grab this series pronto. The Rebel is Tessa’s turn. This one is packed full of so much emotion. So much heartache but recovery. Tessa’s story is my favorite. But before you dive into this one you will need to read the other 2. The best part of this series there is not 1 female character that is weak. Drives me nutzo when they kowtow and then whamo all is good. Nope... “I think you should check your ***** attitude before I take your three-inch stiletto and jab it into your eye socket.” Standing ovation. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: June 18th 2020

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