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The Saved and the Sorry (Kingston City Limits, #2) by T. Marie Alexander


Review by Alysia The Saved and the Sorry by T. Marie Alexander is the second book in the series. Do not, I repeat, Do not read out of order. The book picks up right where the last one ended. Which is great if you read back to back. But I didn’t do that since I had received the first as an ARC as well. I think you should read back to back if at all possible. You will be lost momentarily. As you guessed this one has the same characters as the first book. Yet, Cade has more of a role in this book. You will find yourself on team Cade or team Wran. I am team Wran. I don’t like Cade. Cade is like the lost puppy that won’t leave you alone, even if you don’t feed it! Rox and Wran blow up and Wran leaves to get help just like she wanted. Cade takes advantage and wants all of Rox’s attention and her love. I hate it! Rox has to choose between them. Who will she choose? Who will her heart want? Will she get her daughter back? Will she have her family like she’s always wanted? T. Marie Alexander did a great job on the character's personalities. I found myself getting aggravated even though they are just fictional characters.

*ARC was given for free for an honest review*

Release Date: June 22nd 2020

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