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Hate You (Rebel Ink, #1)

Tracy Lorraine

Review by Leah Ok, let me start out with these words: tattoo shop, single, feisty, sassy, posh (haha I am gonna use this word for a while) and just freaking delish. Did I sell it yet? Hate You (Rebel Ink, #1) by Tracy Lorraine is fantastic. The banter between the characters is priceless. Biff (Tabitha) is my favorite. She is coming into her own. Tired of doing the right thing and I love it. She brings out your inner “I am woman hear me ROAR” though out this book. Zach is the tall drink of whiskey that owns said tattoo shop. These 2 clash like oil and water but it is not due to hatred as they would like everyone to think. Nope, you feel the tension in the book you are holding. The angst is off the charts in this book. And they are determined, tooth and nail, to stay away from each other. Besides all that crazy angsty tension there is a really good story where we meet her best friend who happens to be Zach’s sister. Whoops! And they happened to all grow up together but Zach does not remember that part. That gets a little interesting. I will admit there is sort of a cliffy in this book and it’s a big cliffy but of the secondary characters that you will have to read. You know in your gut these to are gonna light the world on fire. Not because of the tension when they are in the same room, let's just say they will be like putting 2 bulls in a china shop. "I've most definitely fallen out of hate with you, Tabby Cat." **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: April 23rd 2020

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