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Vicious Prince (Royal Elite, #5)

Rina Kent

Review by Leah I am at an impasse with my own brain on this one. I feel like I am missing something, I cannot put my finger on it though. From the beginning, Ronan has been my favorite but Cole is sneaking up on me. It's always the quiet ones. He has always been the breath of air for me in this series. The one that can take a dark scene and give it a bit of light and laughter. But now in Vicous Prince, I find out exactly why he is all smiles and jokes. There are survivors that use laughter, sarcasm as a coping mechanism for the demons marching through your head. And I never connected that with Ronan until now. At first, I felt like the “nightmare” did not fit the picture until we finally hear the rest of the nightmare further in the book. It just did not fit the "I know where you are coming from" pep talk. I really did not know much about Teal except for the broody teenager from the previous books. Here we see her a bit more of her. As rough as her beginnings where I kind of wish they were explained a bit earlier in the book rather than the huge bang towards the end of the book. I knew she had demons herself but I could not connect why the need for revenge. Also, not recognizing her abuser was a little odd to me. Rina Kent is a marvelous storyteller and I am dying to read about Cole. I kind of wish there was more of Ronan and Teal at the one place but that is ok. Hopefully, we will be able to visit more with Cole. **ARC provided for honest review**

Release Date: July 16th 2020

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